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In this Protocol, words and phrases which are defined in the Conditions have the same meaning unless otherwise indicated or clearly apparent from the context.


The information which Foresyte will make available to prospective buyers in relation to each horse on Auction is described in this protocol and comprises the results of veterinary examinations, the Foresyte veterinarian’s  statements and evaluations, and X-ray images (collectively Vet Info).  The Vet Info is product of independent services of Foresyte’s veterinarian. The Vet Info expresses the view of the Foresyte veterinarian who is an independent expert.  Any prospective buyer relies on the Vet Info at his or her own risk.  Foresyte does not give prospective buyers any contractual promise nor make any representation nor warranty in respect of any horse on Auction by providing prospective buyers with the Vet Info and Foresyte does not give any contractual promises, representations or warranties in relation to the Vet Info. 


All Auction Lots’ full Vet Reports, Radiographic Reports as well as all X-Ray Imaging are available for direct download at the bottom of each Lot's profile, once a bidder is registered and logged into the Portal. 


There are three principal reports for each horse available for prospective buyers which contain the recorded veterinary information:


  1. Auction Radiographs taken approximately 2 months prior to auction.

  • 1 x Oxspring method (one each left front & right front) to view naviculars (2)

  • 1 x lateral view of each front hoof (2)

  • 4 x views of each fetlock (front and behind) which include LM, DP, LMO, MLO (16)

  • 3 x views of each hock (left hind & right hind) which include LM, DP, MLO (6)

  • 2 x views of each stifle (left hind and right hind) which include LMO, CaCr (4)

  • 5 x views of the dorsal spinous processes of each horse (5)

​Total of 35 Radiographs.


These Radiographs are independently evaluated by Dr Andrew Gray. Dr Gray is currently the only veterinarian who is qualified as a European Board-Certified Specialist Surgeon working in South Africa. Dr Gray provides a specialist opinion and recommendations regarding any radiographic changes that may be evident. Dr Gray is a highly skilled and experienced individual performing specialist procedures both locally and abroad and is available via appointment to discuss any queries or concerns, specific to his report, that may arise regarding each lot. The results and interpretation are recorded on a report which is available online once a person is registered to bid. All queries need to be addressed at least one week prior to date when the Auction begins by email to Foresyte.


2.  Pre-purchase clinical examination by a veterinarian – done approximately 2 to 3 weeks prior to the auction. This is a standardized 5-stage vetting procedure:


  • STAGE 1: Preliminary examination: Condition, head, teeth, integument, conformation, eye and foot examination as well as cardiovascular, respiratory, urogenital, nervous and musculoskeletal system examination. Any information from stable management regarding any vices such as crib-biting and weaving are also recorded if they have been noted.

  • STAGE 2: Trotting-up in-hand: Pre-exercise flexions, trotted on hard and soft surface.

  • STAGE 3: Strenuous exercise: Ridden and lunged to evaluate soundness under saddle, heart and lungs.

  • STAGE 4: Rest: Period of rest for 20 minutes to evaluate heart and lung recovery.

  • STAGE 5: Second trot and foot examination, as well as post-exercise flexion of all four limbs.

  • It is important to note that each vetting is based on the ability of the individual horse to undergo each stage of the vetting e.g., Broodmares, unbacked horses and foals will not undergo strenuous exercise and flexion tests unless specified. Young or recently backed horses may undergo limited strenuous exercise on the lunge rather than under saddle. 

  • All vaccinations are up to date. However it is the responsibility of the buyer to confirm this prior to purchase.

  • Passports have been checked and verified.

  • Deworming is current and up to date based on regular faecal worm egg counts.

  • Dental corrections are up to date. Each horse has had a dental correction done approximately 1 month prior to the auction.


These files are all freely available to any prospective buyer or their proxy for interpretation by their own veterinary consultant, representative, agent or advisor upon registration as a bidder. X-Ray images can be requested by independent veterinarians directly from Foresyte, via email for their independent interpretation.


Prospective buyers may receive, analyse and check the information made available in terms of this protocol of their own volition, at any time prior to the auction, by consulting directly with the Foresyte veterinarian, Equis Veterinary Practice available via appointment on +27 (79) 8840179. Equis Veterinary Practice is the regular veterinarian for Foresyte’s stud and performance horses. The buyer/bidder may request a second opinion from a veterinarian of his/her choice.  Additional veterinary inspections of any of the horses on Auction shall be permitted at the sole discretion of Foresyte.  All additional veterinary inspections of the horses on Auction shall be at the buyer’s sole cost. Foresyte will not be liable for any costs incurred. Please note all independent examinations need to be completed not later than 1 week prior to the Auction. No exception will be made to this deadline. 

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